Dharma Buddha
Pendant Available on Display Card CHM100
Dharma Buddha Pendant
Available on Display Card
Teaching the 8-fold path to Enlightenment.
His right hand forms a circle or wheel (chakra) with the index finger and thumb.
This is the mudra (hand position) signifying teaching. Approx. 1 1/2 inches
tall |
Kali Ma Pendant
Available on Display Card CHM101
Kali Ma Pendant Available
on Display Card
Warrior Goddess and Protectress, her name means
"Black Time", and she destroys all that which stands in the way of spiritual
growth. Approx. 1 1/2 inches tall |
Pendant Available on Display Card CHM102
Avalokiteswara Pendant
Available on Display Card
Known in Tibet as the Bodhisattva of
Compassion, Chenrezig. The Dalai Lama is the living incarnation of this
Enlightened Being. Approx. 1 1/2 inches tall |
Spiral Goddess
Pendant Available on Display Card CHM103
Spiral Goddess Pendant
Available on Display Card
She is a modern symbol, composed of ancient
ones. The spiral symbolizes the cosmos, fertility and feminine power in the
regeneration of life and eternity. Approx. 1 1/4 inches tall |
Ancient Goddess
of Willendorf Pendant Available on Display Card
Ancient Goddess of
Willendorf Pendant Available on Display Card
Based on the original
35,000 year-old figure found at Willendorf, Germany. During pre-historic times,
the Goddess ruled, and this figure was probably adored in primitive ceremonies
as a Mother Creatrix and Fertility Goddess. Approx. 1 inch tall |
Hecate Bringing
Down the Moon Pendant Available on Display Card
Hecate Bringing Down the
Moon Pendant Available on Display Card
Beautiful goddess Hecate
brings down the power of the moon to earth, surrounded by mystery and magic.
Approx. 1 1/4 inches tall Franck Muller Replica Watches |
Modern Venus of
Willendorf Pendant Available on Display Card
Modern Venus of Willendorf
Pendant Available on Display Card
She's round and she's beautiful. A
modern represenation of a 35,000 year old icon, the Goddess Mother. Approx. 1
1/4 inches tall |
Aradia Pendant
Available on Display Card CHM116
Aradia Pendant Available
on Display Card
The Holy Strega (Witch) casts up her arms to receive
the power of the Moon, in our Mandarava Original pendant. Aradia traveled the
Italian countryside teaching herbal and mystical wisom to the impoverished
peasants, trying to uplift and improve their lives. Approx. 1 1/4 inches tall |
Small Standing
Kuan Yin Pendant Available on Display Card CHM132
Small Standing Kuan Yin
Pendant Available on Display Card
The world's most beloved goddess,
and the Bodhisattva of compassion, Kuan Yin. 3-D sculpted. Approx. 1 3/4
inches tall |
Om Pendant
Available on Display Card CHM135
Om Pendant Available on
Display Card
The OM or AUM represents the fundamental sound of the
universe, and, if intoned properly, contains all possible vowels. As such, it is
considered to be the sound of the Divine. Approx. 3/4 in. wide x 1 inch tall |